We are excited to announce that our partner, Aggie, has been featured in Hinsdale Living’s Power Women 2024!
We are excited to announce that our partner, Aggie, has been featured in Hinsdale Living’s Power Women 2024!
Estate planning is an essential process for ensuring that your assets, healthcare decisions, and loved ones are cared for in case of incapacity or death. While often associated with the wealthy, estate planning is important for individuals of all income levels. In Illinois, well-crafted estate...
Umowa przedmałżeńska, powszechnie zwana intercyzą lub prenup-em, to prawnie wiążący kontrakt zawierany przez przyszłych małżonków przed zawarciem małżeństwa. Celem umowy przedmałżeńskiej jest ustalenie praw i obowiązków każdego z małżonków w przypadku rozwodu, separacji lub śmierci jednego z małżonków. Dodatkowo, prenup może również regulować inne kwestie...
A prenuptial agreement, commonly known as a “prenup,” is a legally binding contract entered into by future spouses before getting married. The purpose of a prenuptial agreement is to establish the rights and obligations of each spouse in the event of divorce, separation, or the...